Our method uses pencil & paper.

Less screen time is better for everyone, and writing by hand creates better memorization.

Our system gives you structure.

All our booklets are sequenced in a step-by step layout with mastery standards.

Help sessions scheduled on demand.

We are now offering phone and online help in addition to the explanations already in each booklet.

Gain real academic progress.

Use all this extra time at home to make excellent strides in math and reading while school is disrupted.

Learn as young as four.

Children can start learning to read and do basic math around age four and up.

Remove the school struggle.

Reduce homework stress by solidifying the foundation and filling in any holes and gaps.

Set a comfortable pace.

Your child will progress through the step-by-step curriculum at his or her own speed.

Master beyond grade level.

Without any pressure of grades, your student can tackle new concepts not yet learned in school.

Frequently Asked Questions

We work with students aged three and up who are able to focus for 10-15 minutes.

  • Most students will visit DLC twice each week. Center visist are either 30 minutes or 1-hour sessions.
  • Homework assignments will be complete on non-class days. However, you can come once a week or request extra classes for an additional fee.
  • With each center visit you can expect students to do individual daily assignments, complete any old corrections, review new material, and receive take-home assignments. A DLC instructor will be at the table with the students to assist as needed. We maintain a 2:1 student to teacher ratio for DLC Juniors (typically aged 4-8) or 4:1 ratio for DLC Scholars (typically aged 9 and up).

  • During the inital placement test, we will find a 'just right' point in the DLC curriculum based on what skills your student shows as mastered in order to fill any holes and gaps in their foundation..
  • Our goal is to build confidence through mastery with progress right from the start.
  • We all need a little help sometimes. Tutoring is one of the tools to building academic confidence in struggling struggling, advanced students, and those somewhere in between. Our program is not a quick fix because we often have to fill in those gaps from previous grades therefore we ask that you give us at least 6 months of continuous service to see overall academic improvement..
  • Our goal is to build confidence through mastery with progress right from the start.
  • Yes, the DLC program works well for most students, including those with learning differences. While traditional school must continue on its schedule, we have the luxury to allow the student to set the pace and do any extra practice needed to truly master each level.
  • Attendance and consistency with take-home assignments will produce positive results. No matter what your student's academic goals are, will aim to help them become successful